About us

The synagogue, named after Shai Agnon, is the main synagogue of the Arnona-Talpiot neighborhood.
This is a living example of Am Yisrael:
young and old, veterans and new immigrants, Charedi and Dati and traditional Jews
all pray together in the name of tolerance, mutual respect, the love of and the belief in G-d and in the unity of Klal Yisrael.


Succoth Prayers at 21 Betar Street – Prayer Schedule

Friday, October 2

Candle lighting                             17:46

Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat  18:05

Shabbat, October 3

Shacharit            08:30

Mincha                17:30

Please call Tsafy at 050-214-8819 for further information.

All Minyanim operate according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health


Ì To Dov Goldfalm on the death of his father


Ì To All the Chazanim and Ba'alei Koreh that allowed our Tfilot to take place

Ì To the new Minyanim outside Shul that allowed more people to take part in Tfilot

929 – your chance to start reading and studying Psalms

As we are moving back into lockdown, keep yourself busy with studying one Psalm each day, and meet with the 929 group to talk about it on Wednesdays at 17:00 – on zoom.

For more details please contact Tsafy on 050-214-88-19

Buying extra Aravot

Deliveries to your home at 10 NIS!

 Please contact Harel Glatzer 05-2828-4437

Classes in the Shul and on Zoom


In Shul:

Halacha classes                      every weekday between Mincha and Arvit

Masechet Sanhedrin             Mondays, 45 minutes before Mincha

Parashat Shavua                    Wednesdays, 45 minutes before Mincha

Gemara                                  Shabbat, 60 minutes before early Mincha

On Zoom:

929 Bible class - HEBREW      Sundays at 17:00                   by Tsafy 050-214-8819

Talmud class  - STOPPED!      Wednesdays at 09:30                        by Tzvika Kanarik

929 Bible class - ENGLISH      Sundays at 17:00                   by Tsafy 050-214-8819

We are back inside the synagogue, BUT –

Everyone must obey the updating regulations due of the Ministry of Health!

ü  Your cooperation is essential! We must all observe the regulations! If you are told to pray outside in a certain place, please follow the instructions. Don't be offended if you are reminded of the appropriate way to put on your mask: just put the mask on your mouth and nose. Most important, do keep the distance between the worshipers, please.

ü  If there is no observance of the instructions, we will have to close down the synagogue!  We are sure that the public will obey the instructions of the Vaad and the Gabbayim.

ü  We ask you not to give tzedakah to outsiders who come to ask for it at the time of minyanim. We do not know where they come from and what their health is like. At this time of Corona, we should take extra care not to be near people we don't know.


A general assembly of members elects 8 members to the Governing Board every two years.
The Board members elect a Chair from among themselves.

Currently the members are :


Yossi Zafrani President  
Dov Feldstern  
Tsafy Simons
Dr Tzvika Kanarek
Ephraim Wolff  
Moshe Jonas
Giora Dafny
Moti Am Shalom




The Oversight Committee is elected by a general assembly of members, and serves for two years.
Its members are invited to all the Governing Board meetings. 
During their time in service they oversee the management of the association
and at the end of each year they audit the annual reports and submit their own reports.

The current members of the Oversight Committee are:

Philip Jakar
Michael Rosenbluth
Avi Reinman

תמונה של הרב זמל

Rav Chayim Yeoshua Zemel Zatsal

Rav Chaim Yehoshua Zemel was the Rav of the Talpiot-Arnona neighbourhood. He is a graduate of the Hevron Yeshiva and the High Beit Midrash for Rabanim Merkaz HaTorah. He received his Smicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Born in Tel Mond, to Rav Mordechai Zemel Z"l who served as that area’s Rav for fifty years, he was exposed from childhood to a wide range of populations and social groups.
Upon his arrival in Talpiot some 50 years ago, he did his best to enhance the Dati education here. At his initiative, the first neighbourhood Mamlachti Dati (State-financed Religious) kindergarten began operations in the Shul building, later moving to Kfar Etzion Street.
To fill the needs of both young boys and girls for quality social activity, a youth movement maintained both Shabbat and weekday activities in the synagogue building, until the Ezra youth movement began operations here.
To keep boys of Bar Mitzva age connected to the synagogue, he created for them a special Minyan on Friday night.
For many years he invested tireless efforts into building a Mikve for the neighborhood – which only recently bore fruit, to great jubilation and relief for its residents.
The rabbi always felt close to the residents of the neighborhood and the people of Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, both religious and secular, and worked for unity among all.
At the end pf Shabbat of Parshat "Lech Lecha" 5783, the eve of 12th Marchesvan, the rabbi passed away, exactly 27 years after the death of his late daughter Rachel.


בקרו אותנו באתר החדש! אנחנו בתהליך של העברת התכנים מכאן לאתר החדש


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