the social and cultural activitues

A kiddush every Shabbat Mevarchim
• A kiddush in honour of the new members of the Shul

• A Kiddush in honour of the children going into first grade

• A special Kiddush for Simchat Torah

• A Succah built every year

• Day trips

• A Yom Ha'Shoa personal story told by one of the members

• A ceremony to mark the end of Memorial Day and the beginning of Independence Day

• A special musical prayer at Erev Yom Ha'Atzma'ut

• An all-night study event on Erev Shavuot

• Cultural evenings during the year

• A costume parade on Erev Purim

• Women's reading of the Torah on Simchat Torah

• Women's reading of the Megilah on Purim
