About us

The synagogue, named after Shai Agnon, is the main synagogue of the Arnona-Talpiot neighborhood.
This is a living example of Am Yisrael:
young and old, veterans and new immigrants, Charedi and Dati and traditional Jews
all pray together in the name of tolerance, mutual respect, the love of and the belief in G-d and in the unity of Klal Yisrael.


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Our Classes


Every day there is a choice of classes at the Shul:

Gemarah, Torah, Halacha and more.


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The Mle'im Ziv Library 

There are more than 5,000 volumes
available to the public. 
The library is accessible whenever the synagogue is open.


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Youth and Children


On Saturday mornings at 09:30
there is a service for children ages 4 to 8.




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